About Taylor Reece

Taylor has been designing software since the age of 10 when he developed a website for his church and began writing Casio™ Graphing calculator apps. In 2009 Taylor earned degrees in Math Education (5-12) and Computer Science from Saint Olaf College.

Taylor has spent the past five years teaching high school in Saint Paul, MN. He has worked with youth in urban and rural schools, in public, ALC, and charter schools. Over the last four years Taylor has helped to bring Saint Paul Conservatory for Performing Artists (SPCPA) charter school from 50th percentile to the top 1.3 percentile in mathematics in Minnesota.

Taylor has a passion for educational technologies, and completed a masters thesis on the integration of Khan Academy in the math classroom. The thesis is available at here: Thesis

Professional Resumes can be found below.

Teaching Resume Technology Resume


The following projects are in various stages of completion, from conception to production. Click on any for more information